3. Prehistory Classification

The period when a culture is written about by others, but has not developed its own writing is often known as the Proto-history of the culture. By definition, there is no written records from human prehistory so dating of prehistoric materials is crucial.
Scholars defines that the prehistory as the events that occurred in a time period before the existence of written records in a given culture or society; whereas the history means the events that occurred after the invention of writing records. so literally, the term "prehistory" means "before history". Prehistory is the period that begins with the appearance of the human beings of about six million years ago and finishes with the invention of writing about 6000 years ago.
Hence on the basis of the tools and weapons used by man, the prehistoric period is a very long span of time period which was divided into four different ages and they are:
             > Palaeolithic Age
             > Mesolithic Age
             > Neolithic Age
             > Chalcolithic Age
