6. Neolithic Age

 Image result for neolithic age culture Image result for neolithic age culture
Neolithic age means "New Stone Age". It is the last period of the Stone age. Although, all kinds of human species under the genus Homo were appeared and lived through the Palaeolithic age, but by the Neolithic age, only Homo sapiens sapiens or the modern humans were remained. Neolithic age was a period of primitive technological and social development which began about 12,200 years age and ended about 6500 years ago by the invention of writing language. The Neolithic age is a progression of behavioral and cultural characteristics and changes of man by exhibiting the advancements like agriculture, domestication of animals, use of pottery, weaving, use of polished tools for farming and warfare, house construction and also the development of early villages.
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Hunting wild animals and gathering fruits and plants were not the only way of getting foods. Human beings discovered agriculture and cattle raising and learned to domesticate animals like horse, dogs, goats, sheep and oxen etc.. and also learned to cultivate plants by knowing how to produce their own food. They produced their own foods by cultivating cereals such as Wheat in the Middle East & Europe, Rice in Asia and Corn in America. This led to change their way of living. They stopped moving from from place to place like nomads to find food by starting living near arable land to cultivate cereals by constructing small houses which led to the formation of small villages situated the banks of nearby rivers.
Hence, the Neolithic Era commenced with the beginning of farming that produced a process of great behavioral and cultural changes in humans  which led to the formation of first ever human revolution known as "Neolithic Revolution". There was a specialization of work while the humans started to live in villages. Some people cultivated fields, some other people were took care of animals and others were made weapons, fabrics and other objects.
Fabrics and pottery were the two important innovations in the Neolithic age. They created fabrics from animal's wool using tools like bone spindles and rudimentary looms. Pottery were made up of soil by hand and baked in a bonfire. They also made vessels to hold the grains, bowls for eating and cooking etc...
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Cave paintings with Neolithic art which is an excellent testimony way of human beings who lived in Neolithic age. The human figure becomes more important in the paintings in the caves. They began to paint scenes which consisting of groups of people doing hunting, harvesting and dancing. The figures in their cave painting were very systematic and schematic. In the Neolithic age, people used more specialized tools which were made up of stone such as hoes to till the soil, sickles to collect the harvest or hand-mills to grind the grain. At last, it was ended when the metal tools were became widespread all over the world.
Related image Image result for neolithic cave art
